Keep the Change 

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What is the difference between a Change Management plan and Communication plan?

Change Management plans include Communication 

As we navigate people through the change journey if Change Management is the vehicle, the Communication Plan is the transmission. It is critical to help us change gears and direction. However, the engine to for the vehicle is your why?  Without a strong engine or why, your communication plan is powerless, and you will not go anywhere. 

Don’t believe me? Imagine you received two pieces of mail; what would you open first or at all? 

A. A handwritten letter from a loved 

B. that Letter from Geico claiming you could save $10 on your auto insurance. 

If you select the Geico letter, we need to have a longer discussion. But if the letter from a loved one is your selection. Think about your why. They are important to you. 

Keep the Change

It’s the same with change, we invest our limited time into what matters most, so when planning for change you need to know what matters to your audience and how to plan communications to address what matters. 

A Communication Plan is a part of Change Management, but it is not Change Management. Your Communication Plan should support your Change Management strategy by providing people with information and avenues they need to energize and support them through change. 

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